Riviera Beach Tunnel Entrance

Riviera Beach

Riviera Beach is in the southern part of San Clemente coast and the northern beach for the San Clemente State Beach.  It is accessible via the San Clemente Beach Trail or via the neighboring streets. The stair access from above is off a cul de sac, Plaza a la Playa.  From the trail or the stairs, you’ll enter the beach from a tunnel that routes under the railroad.  

Riviera is known for surfing. It also features plenty of sandy beach making it popular with families. In off season, you’ll get most the beach to yourself. During the summer months, there’s plenty of people watching but still not as crowded as most the other Southern California beaches.  

Staircase down to Riviera Beach
Staircase down to Riviera Beach
Riviera Beach facing south
Riviera Beach facing south
Houses and community above Riviera Beach
Houses and community above Riviera Beach

